expectations slashed to shreds.
The life you'd dreamt of so far gone;
you were sure it was His plan.
Your desire had been to serve Him
and give your life to His cause--
as long as what He asked of you fit inside four painted walls.
Maybe something high-profile, with lots of people to see
how good and wise and talented through Christ you'd grown to be.
Or a church leader to stand in front of crowds each week;
surely God desired your good deed always be seen.
Good intentions marked your path, you really thought you knew.
But He knew you better than you knew yourself;
He wanted your whole heart and mind; He'd paid for all of you.
The price you paid was dying to self and, yes, when sin dies it stings.
But oh how much more He had hurt when He paid for you on a tree.
His love would not allow my dreams to become my idol, my god;
I am His, bought for a price; He will not share the throne.