Tuesday, October 15, 2013

You do!

This morning in the car, like so many mornings, I said, "I love you, Caleb.  I love you very much."  But today his reply jarred me:  he said to me, "You do!"  As soon as the words left his mouth, I "heard" the Spirit preach a sermon to my soul...words of life came flooding into my mind in an instant.  What struck me as remarkable was that it would assure my son to affirm MY expression of love towards him, NOT to not return my expression with his own "I love you too."  His little 3 year old heart,  by default, feels more at peace in the rock-solid confidence that his mommy loves him than in his own love towards me.  Is that not how children find security in their relationship with their parents?  The unwavering confidence in our parents sacrificial, giving, selfless love towards us produces the foundation necessary for us to go forth in the world and thrive. Without the assurance that our parents would do anything in this world to ensure our health and success, we become paralyzed with fear, insecurity, anxiety, doubts...the list could go on and on.
How much more does our confidence need to rest in our Heavenly Father's love for us?!  To know the depths to which He went to ensure our eternal health and success will, without a doubt, enable us to go forth in this world (not to mention the next) and thrive.  To the extent I believe with all my heart, mind, and soul that Jesus loves me enough to have already provided EVERYTHING I need for an abundant life both here and eternally, that is the extent to which I will be able to live without fear, doubt, anxiety, depression, angst; taking risks, loving without limits, being available to go and do and work and produce.  My limits are determined by my lack of faith. To believe He loves more than enough to be my True Parent is my life's call. And when I hear His gentle, "I love you, child. I love you very much," to assuredly and humbly reply, "You do!"

"How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings." (Psalm 36:7 ESV)

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