Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Exposing the lie that sin is better than God.

We have an enemy. He is out to steal, kill, and destroy us. His tactics are to accuse, lie, and deceive us. He doesn't have the power of the truth on his side. He has to resort to lies. And his lies are not new or original. He's been putting out the same old half truths and lies since the garden of Eden. But he's convincing. He's persuasive. And his arguments can actually hold up...for a time.

There is a lie that he has used from the beginning: that sin is better than God. I have believed it time after time. Every time I give in to anger or resentment or depression or jealousy or lust or anxiety...I, in essence, decide that my own desire to be in control of my situation produces a better feeling or result than taking the "narrow road." The willingness to give in to sin's enticement is a result of a lack of belief in God. I have been there. So many times. Oh that I would truly believe that
God's love is better than life,
His word is sweeter than honey,
He delights over me with singing,
His precepts are right, rejoicing the heart,
He has given me everything I need through Jesus for life and godliness.

Anything that separates me from a closer relationship with Jesus is sin. ANYTHING. I want to hate sin. I want to despise the shame it brings in the presence of a holy God. I don't always. But I am fighting to see sin as God sees it; to trust that He has my best interest at heart and if he says "no," he's not trying to steal my happiness but give me deep, everlasting, non-circumstantial joy!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE...needed this today! Non-circumstantial joy...

  2. Have you ever read "Screwtape Letters?" So great!
